
➊go off 爆発する – The boss went off on his employee for making a mistake on a business deal.
➋come off 落ちる – The paint came off from the boat.
❸day off 休み – I’m going to take a day off from work tomorrow.
❹be off 休む – This athlete is off his game. He couldn’t make any basketball shots.
❺get off work 退勤する – I cannot wait to get off work.
❻put off 先送りする – She put off her work until the last minute.
❼take off 蓋を開ける・脱ぐ – The plane will take off in 5 minutes.
❽blow off 飛ばす – Since he blew off his work, he will get fired soon.
❾pay off 返済する・清算する – I have to pay off my bills.

英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

♦〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
♦メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


➊Hear me out 最後まで聞いて – Hear me out. It is important that we change our principles.
➋Help me out 手伝って – Could you help me out with my homework?
❸Ask out デートに誘う – I’m going to ask that girl out.
❹Chill out ゆっくり過ごす – Chill out, man. There’s no reason to be so upset.
❺Run out of 品切れ – Our car ran out of gas.
❻Hang out 遊ぶ – I like to hang out with my friends on the weekends.
❼Break out 脱出する – Eating chocolate makes me break out with acne.
❽Stick out はみ出る – In some countries, it is not good to stick out and be different from everyone else.

英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

♦〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
♦メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


➊get fined for 罰金を科せられる – He got fined for parking illegally in the wrong area.
➋go for~に行く – We want to go for the highest level in the game.
❸leave for~へ向かって発つ – I have to leave for a business trip tomorrow.
❹pay for~代を払う – I have to pay for these services.
❺sell for(いくらか)で売る – These paintings sell for a lot of money.
❻vote for 候補~に投票する – I want to vote for that candidate.
❼wait for~を待つ – Wait for me. I’ll be downstairs in a minute.
❽look for~を探す – Look for any clues that may help us solve the case.


➊Turn on 電源をつける – Please turn on the A/C. It’s really hot in here.
➋Turn off 電源を切る – Can you turn off the TV please? I’m trying to sleep.
❸Turn left 左に曲がる – After going straight for two blocks, turn left and you’ll see the cafe.
❹Turn around 振り向く – If you get lost, turn around and go back to where you started.
❺Turn over ひっくり返す – Gently turn over the pancakes after its golden brown.
❻Turn down 断る – Turn down the volume. I’m on the phone.
❼It’s your Turn君の番だ – It’s your turn to take the dogs outside.
❽by turns 交互に – Chess is a game played by turns.

英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

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♦メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


【keep】 Keep~ing〜続ける
❶Keep singing 歌い続けて – Please keep singing. It sounds great.
❷Keep going 続けて – I wanted to keep going, but my trainer told me to stop.
❸Keep in touch 連絡を取り合い続ける – Hey, it was nice to meet you. Please keep in touch.
❹Keep petsペットを飼う – I like to keep several pets at one time.
❺Can I keep this?持っていい?- Thanks for the brochure. Can I keep this?
❻Keep off 離れていて – Keep off the furniture, it is really fragile.


➊Go away あっち行け – Go away! I don’t feel like talking to anyone right now.
➋Run away 逃げて – I want to run away from here. I don’t like this place.
➌Stay away 離れて – Stay away from him. He has the flu.
➍Take away 持ち去る – If you don’t pass your exam, I’m going to take away your games.
❺Throw away 捨てる – I have to throw away the garbage in the correct places. Japan has recycling rules.
❻Put away (皿を)下げて – Please put away all of your materials after you finish.
❼Pass away 亡くなる – My grandmother passed away last year.
❽Keep away 近づくな – You must keep away from that area. It is dangerous.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

♦〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
♦メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247



Wash up 皿洗いをする Make up 発明する、補償する – Make sure to wash up before dinner. // The author likes to make up children’s stories and sell them.

Fill up 埋める Break up 別れる Clean up 片付ける – Fill up the car with gas before taking it back to the rental car station // The couple will break up soon // Clean up your room immediately.


Run out 品切れ状態になる Watch out 注意する – The dog ran out of the house, as soon as she opened the door. // Watch out for any snakes in the tall grass.

Ask out デートに誘う Eat out 外食する Hang out 遊ぶ – He wants to ask out that girl. // They like to eat out three times a week. // Let’s hang out soon! It’s been awhile.

Find out 見つける Pass out 気を失う Keep out 離れていて – The detective will find out who was responsible for the murder. // I drank so much last night that I passed out. // Keep out of this area. It’s dangerous.

Head out 出かける Figure out 答を見つける – I’m heading out to get something to eat. Do you want to come? // The professor quickly figured out the math problem.


Turn on 電源をつける Try on 試着する – Turn on the light, please. // Can I try on this suit before buying it?

Go on 続ける Carry on 続ける Hold on 待って – Go on, say what you have to say. // Winston Churchill had a famous quote that said “Keep calm and carry on.” // Hold on, let me get a pen and paper.


Think over 熟考する Do over やり直す Get over 乗り切る – We need to think over our plans before we start. // You need to do your homework over again. // I will get over this cold soon and get back to work.


Throw away 捨てる Keep away 近づくな – Every spring, I clean my house and throw many things away. // Keep away from the electric fence.


Look after 面倒をみる Run after 追いかける – Could you look after the children while I’m gone? // The dog likes to run after cars.


Put off 延期する Call off 取り消す – Putting off work is called procrastination. // The general called off the artillery attack on the area.


Deal with 取り込む・処理する Get along with 仲がいい – I cannot deal with your bad attitude. // A good partner is someone you can get along with.

【Through】Go through 経験する – We need to go through the content in this article to make sure it is correct.

【Back】Pay back お金を返す – If you borrow money for school, you will have to pay it back after you graduate.

【Down】Calm down 落ち着け – Calm down! The situation isn’t as bad as you’re saying it is.

【Forward】Look forward to + ing 楽しみにする – I look foward to going on vacation this summer.

【Apart】Fall apart 壊れる – The old house is starting to fall apart.

■ 英語が話せる!「SEI 新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/
■ SEI 発音矯正コース: SEI 会話トレーニング : SEIビジネスコース

■ JR「新宿」駅から10分 ■ 地下鉄「新宿3丁目」駅から3分
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➊dress up 正装 – We have to dress up for this formal party tonight.
➋bring up 育てる、提案する – We have to bring up this topic in the next meeting.
❸build up 鍛え上げる – We need to build up support to our cause.
❹burn up 焼けてしまう、怒らせる – The wood burned up in the fireplace.
❺call up 思い出す – I called up my friend to come over.
❻eat up 完食 – Did you eat up all of the snacks?
❼chop up 小切る – Please chop up the onions before putting them in the soup.
❾do up ボタンをかける – Do up your shoelaces.
❿check up 健康診断 – I went to the doctor for a check up.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

187. Drop out (of something) 脱落する

Drop out (of something): quit (school, a race, etc)


Teacher: James wants to drop out of school.

Principal: Make sure he doesn’t


■ 英語が話せる!「SEI 新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/
■ SEI 発音矯正コース: SEI 会話トレーニング : SEIビジネスコース

■ JR「新宿」駅から10分 ■ 地下鉄「新宿3丁目」駅から3分
■ 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606 ■