
お金を引き出す=Withdraw some money – I need to go to the ATM to withdraw money.
お金をおろす=take out some money – I took out some money to pay my bills.

★ATM=Cash Machine(UK) vs ATM(USA) – I need to go to the ATM before going to the restaurant.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


【体格に関する単語】 :
やせている skinny – He cannot lift heavy weights because he is too skinny.
ぽっちゃり系 chubby ・ pudgy – Don’t eat too much cake, as you’ll get chubby.
太っている fat – If you eat a lot of fast food, you will get fat.
デブ obese – There is a high percentage of obese people in this city.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


【ド~】を英語でいうと?proper, dead – We must give him a proper burial.
➊ド綺麗 proper beautiful / dead pretty – The dead model was properly beautiful.
➋ド真ん中 dead center – I hit the bullseye dead center with a bow and arrow.
❸ド馬鹿 dead stupid – A thief tried to rob a store but tripped and fell down on his knife. He is dead stupid.
❹ドブス proper ugly – the curtains were properly ugly.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

【Give me a~】に関する英語表現

【Give me a~】に関する英語表現
➊Give me a hand – Could you give me a hand lifting this box?
➋Give me a ride – Could you give me a ride to the airport?
❸Give me a reason – Give me a reason why I should do what you say.
❹Give me a favor – Could you give me a favor and let me borrow your pen?
❺Give me a break – Give me a break! I have a lot of work to do already.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


➊There’s no time like the present – There’s no time like the present. It’s best to live in the moment.
➋No time to lose 一刻を争う – We have to get to the flight on time. We have no time to lose.
❸Time will tell 時間が経てば分かるだろう – Time will tell if we get the results we want.
❹ahead of time 前もって – The train came ahead of time.
❺on time 定時に – I like to get to work on time.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


Don’t get me wrong. 誤解しないでね。Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you’re not capable of doing the job.
★Misunderstand 勘違いする – Please don’t misunderstand me, I don’t mean to be offensive.

Mix up(日程や時間を)勘違いする – The event planner mixed up the events.
Misinterpret 間違って解釈する – Many people misinterpret religious texts.
Misread 読み間違える – I misread what he wrote, so I’ll reread it again.
Mishear 聞き間違いする – I misheard what she said and got in trouble because of it.

★Make a mistake 間違う – I don’t want to make a mistake, so I’m hesitate to take any actions.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247


➊stand on their own two feet 自立する – Strong people have to learn to stand on their own two feet.
➋Since college 大学を卒業してから – Since college, I’ve been weight training.
❸Get into the real world 実社会に入る – After graduation, you’ll have to get into the real world.
☆一人前になる full-fledged – He is a full-fledged member of our team.
☆大人 grown-up /adult – As a grown-up, you have a ton of responsibilities to do.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

187. Drop out (of something) 脱落する

Drop out (of something): quit (school, a race, etc)


Teacher: James wants to drop out of school.

Principal: Make sure he doesn’t


■ 英語が話せる!「SEI 新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/
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