174. Show up=現れる

Show up: arrive; appear

Coach: Make sure you show up early tomorrow. We have to prepare for the game this weekend. Any questions?

166. Keep away=離れた状態にしておく

Keep away: make something stay at a distance.

Park Ranger: Hey! Keep away!

John: Why?

Park Ranger: That is an electric fence. It’s dangerous.

John: Oh, I had no idea. Understood.


【英語表現】110. Pass Away 亡くなる

Pass away: die

President: We’re here to honor and respect all of those who passed away and gave their lives for our country. We thank you for your service and will never forget their sacrifice.




【英語表現】109. Look after Someone or Something 気を配る

Look after Someone or Something: take care of; watch over someone or something.

Jim: Make sure you look after the wires. We have to connect the cables in order to turn on the electricity. 

Apprentice: Yes sir!



【英語表現】104. Run Away 逃げる

run away: leave quickly; escape

Hiroshi: I saw a bear in Hokkaido and quickly ran away



【英語表現】102. Hold Something or Something up 強奪する

hold someone or something up: rob someone or something at gunpoint

News Report: The robber held up the bank and ran off with the money.



【英語表現】99-1. Take a Look at Someone or Something ~を見る

take a look at someone or something: look at someone or something quickly

Can you take a look at these reports before we send them?



【英熟語】82. Show off (for someone) 見せびらかす

show off (for someone): try to attract attention to oneself

Joanna: My friend is showing off by waving her hand to show her wedding ring!



【英語表現】77. Turn into Something 変身する

turn into something: become something different

Lois: Clark Kent turns into Superman when there is an emergency.



【英熟語】76. Get over Something 回復する、立ち直る

get over something: recover from a physical illness or an emotional shock

Dan: I’m shocked that Sato cheated on me. I can’t get over it.


cheat on~:~を裏切る、浮気する


 I can’t get over this cold.