237. Be scared stiff

Be scared stiff (of someone or something): be very afraid (of someone or something)

Noriko: I saw a roach on my ceiling, and I was scared stiff. I hate them.

Rick: Did you kill it? 

Noriko: I sprayed it with bug spray.

396. Go from bad to worse

Go from bad to worse: go from a bad situation to a very bad situation

Tim: What’s going on?

Sam: I’m sick. 

Tim: Really? How long have you been sick?

Sam: For about 2 weeks now. I thought I was getting better, but this cold is going from bad to worse. 

236. Drive someone crazy

Drive someone crazy: annoy or irritate someone

Tim: I had to get out of the house. My mother is driving me crazy.

Yusuke: What did she do?

Tim: I just want to play video games in my room, but she keeps asking me to do chores. I hate it. 


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235. Ask for trouble

Ask for trouble: do something that will cause problems later

Rick: Have you talked to the manager about the problems in the report? 

Ron: That’s asking for trouble, you know. It’s better to wait until it’s fully edited. 

392. Show up (at a place)

Show up at (a place): arrive (somewhere); appear

Hank: What happened yesterday?

Sam: The police showed up at my job. They were looking for a criminal in the area.

Hank: Did they catch him?

Sam: Not sure. They didn’t ask me any questions. 

234. Fall madly in love (with someone)

Fall madly in love (with someone): begin to love (someone) very much

Noriko: Have you seen that new movie with Brad Pitt?

Susan: No, what’s it about?

Noriko: I don’t want to spoil it, but the main character falls in love with a local girl from the village.