[UK] 15. The UK’s Delinquent Children イギリスの問題児

I feel that UK delinquent children 問題児  are typically more disrespectful and/or do more outrageous things than Japanese delinquent children問題児. I know bullying is a big issue in Japanese schools, but children are strictly taught to respect teachers and elders, and they follow it more than British children do.

Children in the UK are also taught to debate and discuss more. Maybe that’s why they are more tempted to rebel and resist elders and education. In the UK, many people play bad games such as “knock a door, run!” The rule is simple: knock on a person’s house door, and then run away! Other common activities include throwing stones at windows, smoking, taking drugs, being teenage parents, bullying, fighting, and vandalizing buildings. Later, when they become adults, some people steal cars, credit cards, and make fake insurance claims. This is why The UK is a more dangerous place than Japan. Especially when people get drunk or go to football games or go out at night. Japan is a very safe country.

  1. Have you seen or experienced bullying before?
  2. What do you think about Japanese students behaviour ?
  3. Did your school have delinquents? Were you one?
  4. Do you think Japan is a safe country?
  5. What kind of bad games do Japanese delinquent children do?

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Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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