[UK] 22. UK & Japan : Education Ranking System イギリスと日本:教育のランキングシステム

Is education something that should be ranked? Should we decide our school based on its ranking? If you think we should, then what does that imply?

I sometimes wonder if these kinds of rankings are actually useful. A ranking system encourages companies, in Japan, to prioritize job applicants’ Universities over their personalities or achievements. Of course it doesn’t make a completely bias system but the most important part of an applicant is the University’s name, according to some companies at least. That’s why most people study hard and even consider studying something at University that’s unrelated to their career choices.

In The UK, it’s quite interesting that the University of an applicant is not the highest on many companies’ priority list. Recently, work experience is something that companies are looking for in an applicant’s resume. Another priority includes having a good score at the University they attended, rather than the University itself. Having a relevant degree to the job is great too. It means companies can reduce the amount of time, money and effort they spend on training people, especially in specialist areas.

  1. Is work experience important in order to get a job in Japan?
  2. Does your grade at the end of your degree affect whether companies want to hire you, or is a “pass” enough?
  3. Do you think it is important to get a high grade?
  4. Do you think it is a good thing companies don’t require people to have specific degrees to apply for job opportunities (outside of law and medicine)
  5. Should the University attended be so important in the hiring process in Japan?

英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

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Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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