【会話で学ぼう】Get A Bite

Jon: Where can we get a bite?

(To “get a bite” is to have something to eat.)

Don: What’ya want?

(“What’ya want?” is a slang contraction of “what do you want?”)

Jon: Not meat.

Don: Japan’s not veggie-friendly.

(“veggie-friendly” means providing options and consideration to vegetarians.)

Jon: Why? D: Why are ya veggie?

Jon: I wanna live long, strong. I care about Earth–all species!

Jon is:

a. political

b. socially conscious*

c. weird (very strange)

d. a granola

e. a, b & d

1. All the answers here are okay, but ‘e’ is best. Jon might be “weird” in Japan, but not in English-speaking countries, where vegetarianism has been popular for decades. Many famous people in history were/are vegetarians.

2. A “granola” is a health-conscious person.

This comes from Granola Bars , which are alternatives to candy bars and thought to be healthier. They usually contain raisins, nuts, dried fruit, honey, brown sugar and rolled oats–sometime yogurt morsels.

*Socially conscious refers to a state of mind highly popular in the West. If one is socially conscious s/he makes consumer choices that support companies which are seen to care about the environment, species rights, indigenous people, fair trade and labor concerns. Some socially conscious people, for example, will not buy products from China, because of China’s human rights record, treatment of the Dalai Lama and Tibetans–as well as of Turkistan and Taiwan. 

Others will not buy cosmetics which come from animal testing (these are called cruelty-free). Vegetarians often will not buy anything that includes animal skins (“leather”) or tuna from companies known to obtain fish from slave labor or which over-fish the oceans(Thai Union, Chicken of The Sea, Bumble Bee). The idea is that consumers can change conditions in the world by nor purchasing products that come from harmful and careless companies.

Vegetarians have a much smaller carbon footprint, meaning they contribute far less to global warming and environmental destruction than do meat eaters.

Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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