
Choose the best answer:
1. ‘Obviously’ means:
a. odd
b. stubborn in a way of action
c. easily apparent
Answer: C, easily apparent
When something is obvious it very easy to see, understand or conclude.

Choose the best answer:
2. John brought chopsticks to an Italian restaurant.
a. He’s obviously not a golfer.
b. He’s obdurate about his eating utensils.
c. He’s obviously not Italian.
d. He’s French.

Answer: He’s French… no, I’m just kidding; The answer is C: ”He’s obviously not Italian.” An Italian wouldn’t eat spaghetti with chopsticks (except this Italian (American); I, Carl.)

The other choices:
a. He’s obviously not a golfer.
This has nothing to do with it, but it is a reference to a funny scene in a famous movie; The Big Labowski.

b. He’s obdurate about his eating utensils.

`Obdurate’means stubbornly adhering to (sticking to/following) a certain way of doing something with no chance of changing due to suggestions by others. The story in the sentence does not say this about the subject.

d. He’s French. There is no indication of John’s nationality. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised were he French. Just kidding.

Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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