From Twitter:
Peter: So then I — wait, can I have another beer?
Bartender: One beer comin’ up.
Paul: __ your story; I wanna know the rest.
Peter: Where was I?
Mary: You were gonna tell us what happened next.
Paul: Yeah, __!
Peter: So, the cop said; __
a. carry on
b. go on
c. continue
c, b and a
Peter: So then I — wait, can I have another beer?
Bartender: One beer comin’ up.
Paul: Continue your story; I wanna know the rest.
Peter: Where was I?
Mary: You were gonna tell us what happened next.
Paul: Yeah, Go on! Go on means ‘Go on’ means ”keep telling your story.”
Peter: So, the cop said; carry on. ‘Carry on‘ sounds official and means go continue doing what you were doing (but can be casual, too–meaning the same thing as ”go on”–but this is less common.)