076. It is no surprise that=なんの驚きもない  (音声付きwith AUDIO)

1. It is no surprise that she decided to leave the company.

2. It is no surprise that the team won the championship again this year.

3. It is no surprise that they got married.

4. Your son didn’t come home for the holidays? To be honest, it is no surprise to me since he is always busy.

5. It came to no surprise that he wanted to be a singer. He was always practicing.

075. Were it not for =もし~がなければ (音声付きwith AUDIO)

1. Were it not for water, life on this planet would die.

2. Were it not for the hardworking people at this company, we would lose money every year.

3. Were it not for her efforts, she could never be a good mother to her three sons.

4. It could work well, were it not for the problems that happen when taking this shortcut.

5. Were it not for his help, they would have left a long time ago.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

072. So far as=~の限りでは 

1. So far as I know, it hasn’t happened before.

2. So far as I know, there isn’t anyone here who is responsible for this situation.

3. As far as I know, she thought the report was okay.



英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

074. Without so much as ~ing=~もせずに 

1. Without so much as saying anything, he left the office.

2. Without so much as mentioning anything, she got married last week.

3. He left without so much as giving an apology.

4. Without so much as showing her gratitude, she took the present and opened it quickly.

5. The boss discussed the loss in profits, without so much as blaming it on one of the managers.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

073. Those who=~する人は (音声付きwith AUDIO)

1. Those who want to go on the trip, please raise your hand.

2. To those who want to attended the conference, please leave your surveys here.

3. To those who like to bake cakes, here’s a recipe for you.

4. Those who are invited to the party, please bring your invitations.

5. Those who study hard get good grades.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

071. Be full of~=あふれている(with AUDIO)

1. She is full of joy.

2. I like my pet dog. He is full of love and warmth.

3. The jar is full of candy.

4. I went to a conference last week and it was full of people.

5. How often do you drive on the freeway? It’s usually full of cars.
(どの位の頻度で高速道路を運転するのですか? 大体いつも車でいっぱいです)


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

070. Figure out=答えを出す (with AUDIO音声付き)

1. We have to figure out this math problem.

2. Why doesn’t he just figure it out then?

3. The police figured out the crime.

4. If we can figure out this situation, it will be better for everyone.

5. You have to figure it out for yourself.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

069. Affect~=影響する(with AUDIO)

1. Economic problems are affecting the country.

2. She was affected by the virus.

3. Smog in the air affects people with lung problems.

4. People in power can affect those under them.



英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

068. Feel free to=気軽に~ (音声付きwith AUDIO)

1. Feel free to ask any questions.

2. If you’re hungry, feel free to have some snacks.

3. If you would like to participate, please feel free to do so.

4. Please feel free to drink some tea if you would like.

5. Feel free to do anything you’d like while we set up the shop.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247

064. Few~=ほとんどない (音声付きwith AUDIO)

1. There are only a few chances in life to become successful.

2. I go there a few times a year.

3. Few people have a Ph.D.

4. Only a few types of snakes are poisonous.

5. How many cookies did you eat? I only had a few.


英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

  • 160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿2-8-1 新宿セブンビル 606
  • メール: sei@kaonnuri.com TEL: 03-5925-8247