Some Ways We’re Not Free

We’re not free so long as:
a. we have free speech
b. fossil fuel is legal
c. the meat & dairy industry are destroying the air & sea
d. taxes are theft e.
e. we must serve in the army
f. smokers can give us cancer with 1 alpha particle

a & e
b & c
b, c and d
a ~ f

The answers are b, c and f.
a. is not a reason for lack of freedom; It’s a reason we are free.
b. Taxes aren’t theft; they are agreed upon by our representatives and many of them serve us.

e. Serving in the army is something people do in free countries. One could say that it is control of the citizens if they do not elect for it, but even in countries such as South Korea–a democracy–the people can elect to do away with conscription.

We Should Stop Idling

From Twitter
We should stop idling as

a. Earth is in a rapid, soon unstoppable environmental evolution.
b. Earth is in a rapid, soon unstoppable environmental devolution.
c. Air pollution is causes asthma attacks in people and lung cancer is the #1 killer in Japan.

1. a & c
2. b & c

Answer And Explanation
The answer is 2., b & c, because devolution is the opposite of evolution. Evolution is incremental development that improves life; devolution is development that deteriorates it (breaks it down, degenerates or kills it). The global environment, as a result of rapid warming, is killing off species and may kill us off if we do not act fast and comprehensively to save our biosphere.