Casual Talk 1

I’m hungry; let’s grab ① 

Best Answer only, not merely a “right answer:” Not e: 1 question has 2 possible answers.
ⓐ grub
ⓑ meal
© the
ⓓ some
ⓔ food
Pic: #EdgarCastrejon #リラックスした英語 #会話セッション #新宿イングリッシュインスティテュート

Answers And Explanation:
some, as we need a qualifier like an article, before the next noun, and some is the only choice.
grub or food are the casual choices and the meal or some meal doesn’t make sense; come to class to understand why.

Welcome to New York

A: Great movie! Like it?
1. B: Don’t know. __ bite ‘n talk about it?
2. A: __ to?
B: The all-night diner on 11th?
A: Empire?
B: Mm.
A: It was good food for 2 AM!
B: Yup! A: When’s the subway close?
3. B: __? It doesn’t.
A: Oh!
B: Welcome to NYC

*Grab a

1. Grab a (bite)
2. Where (to)
3. Close(?) (The subway)