
From Twitter:

① A. What’s culture _ to you?
B. The list is long.
A. Say 1 thing.
B. Inconsistency.
A. But we’re-
② B. We have different _.
A. But–
B. You asked.
A. Explain.
B. Changing contracts on a whim.
A. Bosses can–
③ B. People take _ because of the contract.
A. Hmm.


Answers And Explanation
① shock (as in culture shock) 
② values (Values are principles, sometimes synonymous with morals, ethics)
③ jobs (People accept job offers because of the benefits and conditions)

On A Train

From Twitter:

  1. A: Please __ all the way in, so the rude, inconsiderate people pushing to get in–crushing us like farm animals–can stop that.
    B: Huh?
    2. A: Please __ as far as you can–in, so others may enter too.
    B: We don’t mind.
    A: We do.

    a. go
    b. step
    c. set foot
    d. tread

Answers and Explanations
1. b., step meaning to walk–by putting one foot forward after another and is used with ‘into’ (or with ‘in,’ ‘on,’ ‘over,’ and ‘around.’
2. a., go meaning to proceed or continue moving.