[UK] 5. Smoking Culture in the UK and Japan イギリスと日本のタバコの文化

In the UK, smoking people have more freedom outside and less freedom inside than in Japan. For example, in the UK you can smoke almost anywhere outside. Recently people who smoke near building entrances are being restricted. The reason is because it is harmful to the people who just want to enter and leave a building, especially if they don’t smoke. Second hand smoking is a big topic recently.

On the other hand, around 10 years ago it became illegal to smoke in public buildings. This is related to second hand smoking again. People can’t control the air they breath, so people have to be more considerate when smoking. In Japan, it’s similar but there are many cafes, izakayas and similar places where smoking is not controlled properly. Some cafes control them by putting the smoking area in a room or on a different floor. But many cafes don’t have a door so the smoke travels into the non-smoking area. So it makes no difference in those cases. Smoking outside is stricter, particularly in cities such as Tokyo. I think it’s good to control smoking properly like that. Because we should respect people who don’t want to smoke. Secondhand smoking is actually more harmful than smoking.

  1. Do you smoke? Why?
  2. Have you experienced second hand smoking in Japan?
  3. What do you think about restaurants of cafes without proper smoking control?
  4. How do you feel about people who smoke near building entrances/exits ?
  5. Do you wish smoking and non-smoking should be the same area in cafes?

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Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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