[US] 7. Learning a New Language

Many people have this idea that it is difficult to learn a new language. While I agree that it will take some time to learn, I don’t think it is necessarily “difficult”.

For example, I have two foreign friends in Japan. There names are John and Stacy. John cannot speak Japanese at a high level yet, while Stacy can. Stacy goes to a language school in Tokyo, while John works as a language teacher in Ibaraki. Why is Stacy learning at a faster rate than John? It is because Stacy studies Japanese in class for 3 hours, plus, does her homework after class. John studies by himself, but because he works long hours, he may only have 1 hour to study once or twice a week. Therefore, Stacy learns the language faster.

It isn’t that the language is “hard”, but that there is not enough time being spent studying it. Give it a try. Make time each day to study whatever language you are interested in and you will see how faster it will be to understand it.



1) Why do you want to study English?

2) How often do you study English? Did you study today?

3) What sort of things to do you use to help you study language?

4) In your opinion, what part of the language do you need to work on? What part are you good at?

5) What other languages are you interested in?

Key Words and Phrases:

foreign / at a faster rate / may only / therefore

英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

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Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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