[US] 8. Books in Japan

Since living here, I have had the pleasure of visiting many bookstores. From Maruzen to Kinokuniya, there are countless number of stores that shelves thousands of books. Although most are in Japanese, I do get the pleasure of going to certain places that have books in English. It’s wonderful!

Living in Japan gives me access to plenty of rare books and great volumes to choose from. Being that I am interested in mostly politics and international relations, there are many books in English that focus on those topics. Even better, many bookstores offer books that talk about these issues in English.

If I had to choose what my favorite types of books are, they would have to be old paperback books.  The smell and feel of the pages remind me of a time when I would read everything I could get my hands on about Japan. Books are wonderful, and I’m glad Japan has a wonderful book culture.


1) What kind of books do you like to read?

2) What bookstore do you like to go to and why?

3) When is the last time you read a book? What was it about?

4) Research shows that reading books make you smarter. Do you think that is true? Why or why not?

5) How many books did you read last year?

Key Words and Phrases:

countless number of / rare books / great volumes to

had to choose / would have to be

英語が話せる!「SEI新宿英会話教室」 http://www.sayinsei.com/

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Author: sayinsei

英語の発音矯正と会話クラスを提供する新宿の語学学校. A language school in Shinjuku offering English classes

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