A Day in The Life of Yumi

From Twitter:

Yumi: I usually ① shopping in the morning. Then I often ② home, ③ tea, while I ④ to friends by phone. ⑤ a nice day. But the Corona virus scare ⑥ it such that I ⑦ to ⑧ home.

Carl: What do ya ⑩ now? 

Pick the best answer:

Photo: David Vexler
Photo: Sarah Johnston

The Answers And Explanations:
Yumi: I usually go shopping in the morning. Then I often go home, [and] have/have tea, while I talk to friends by phone. It’s a nice day. But the Corona virus scare makes it such that I have to   stay home.

All these verbs are in the present tense, because they are to describe common daily situations that way) no ‘ed,’ no’ ‘ing,’ no ‘will.’ We know we need present tense verbs, because the speaker begins with ‘usually,’ and there is no other indication she is speaking about the past. The answer choices also only include present tense verbs or bare infinities or “base verbs.”


What I do And What Is Done

From Twitter
I go shopping at the market after cleaning the house each morning. The Corona Virus situation has change our activities.

A. usual
B. usually

Answer And Explanation
① A. ‘usually;’ is an adverb, which is required to help (“modify”) the verb go. 
② B. ‘usual’ is an adjective, which is needed to help (“modify”) the noun activities.

Taking Pictures 加算名詞と不可算名詞の使い方

From Twitter
Taking Pictures: Much or Many & Lots/Usually or Usual
“Fill in” the spaces with the right words:

I take _ pictures whenever I travel; it’s a _ thing for me.

*once a while

Answers & Explanation
The answers are underlined:
I take many pictures whenever I travel; it’s a usual thing for me.

Many is used with countable things and persons and other animals.
Usual is used with things, too (usually is used with actions.)

Come to class at Shinjuku English Institute for more examples and a barrel of fun.