ビギナーのレベル (Beginner)

From Twitter:

Student: This is what?
Teacher: No. Say: “What is this.”
Answer?: This is a book.
Teacher: So. _①_ is that?
Student: That is Sam.
Teacher: Right.
Student: Teacher, _②_ is my pen?
Teacher: Your Pen is here.


Answers And Explanation
① what, because we switch the object (or where the name of the item or person would be) to subject’s position and replace it with ‘who,’ ‘what,’ ‘when,’ ‘where,’ or ‘how.’
② Where, because ‘where’ is the question word for locations.

Photo: Neponbrand

Corona City Hall

Tomomi: I ① the Kita Ku City Hall Children’s Center ② infected with #coronavirus, but that 4 or 5 days passed before the citizens ③ notified.

Cassy: Really? That’s criminally stupid. 
Tomomi: I think it’s just criminal.
Cassy: Well, it’s both.


A Day in The Life of Yumi

From Twitter:

Yumi: I usually ① shopping in the morning. Then I often ② home, ③ tea, while I ④ to friends by phone. ⑤ a nice day. But the Corona virus scare ⑥ it such that I ⑦ to ⑧ home.

Carl: What do ya ⑩ now? 

Pick the best answer:

Photo: David Vexler
Photo: Sarah Johnston

The Answers And Explanations:
Yumi: I usually go shopping in the morning. Then I often go home, [and] have/have tea, while I talk to friends by phone. It’s a nice day. But the Corona virus scare makes it such that I have to   stay home.

All these verbs are in the present tense, because they are to describe common daily situations that way) no ‘ed,’ no’ ‘ing,’ no ‘will.’ We know we need present tense verbs, because the speaker begins with ‘usually,’ and there is no other indication she is speaking about the past. The answer choices also only include present tense verbs or bare infinities or “base verbs.”


High And Lo

Look high and low!

From Twitter:
Where’s my phone?
Call it.
Can’t. Dead battery.
How do yo know?!
I tried!
Why would someone answer?
The ringer says, “Answer and win a $1,000,000!”
Right! No one heard!
Where’d ya look?
High and lo!

High & low means:
sky & valley

The Answer is everywhere

Photo: Fred Kearney

Hear Me Out to The Last

From Twitter Feed:

【日本語らしい表現 英語では?】 「最後まで話を聞いて」 Listen to me to the last(☓) Hear me out. (○) “Before you say no, hear me out.” ダメだって言う前に最後まで話を聞いて。

From Twitter:
At The Japanese Ministry of Education
Taku: We should develop a ‘v’ and an ‘f;’ before you say ‘no,listen to me to the last… (Listen to me until I finish talking.)
Toshi: Ridiculous.
Taku: Hear me out. (“Listen to my whole idea.”)
Toshi: Look: we don’t need to, as everyone can pronounce words such as ‘biolin’ in English with a ‘v’ and ‘f.’

Photo: Sebastian Herrmann


From Twitter:

Sam: Hi Jan.
Jan: Hello, Sam.
Sam: How’ve you been?
Jan: All right. And you?
Sam: ①, not bad, but it’s getting hard.
Jan: ②, you mean social distancing?
Sam: ③, not meeting people…. ④, it’s lonely.


Oh, because though Sam is thinking–this is almost a standard expression.
Hmm, because Jan is thinking about the reason.
Yeah, because Sam is confirming Jan’s suspicion or guess.
Uh, because Sam is thinking and searching for the right effect or words.

Casual Talk 1

I’m hungry; let’s grab ① 

Best Answer only, not merely a “right answer:” Not e: 1 question has 2 possible answers.
ⓐ grub
ⓑ meal
© the
ⓓ some
ⓔ food
Pic: #EdgarCastrejon #リラックスした英語 #会話セッション #新宿イングリッシュインスティテュート

Answers And Explanation:
some, as we need a qualifier like an article, before the next noun, and some is the only choice.
grub or food are the casual choices and the meal or some meal doesn’t make sense; come to class to understand why.

Asking about Someone’s Meal

From Twitter:
What’s the usual expression?

① What did you have for lunch?
② What did you chow for lunch?  
③ What did you eat for lunch?
④ What did you had for lunch?

Image: Monika Grabowska

The answer and explanation is: ① ‘What did you have for lunch?We don’t usually say ‘eat’ (choice ③) unless we want to focus on the physical act of consuming food or unless the listener(s) did not hear ‘have’ after several attempts to ask.

Crazy Behavior

A: What happened ya?
B: A guy threw a mask me, so I yelled him and we fought.
A: What’ya say him?
B: “Hey, that’s crazy!”
A: He thought you called HIM crazy.
B: No. So he got angry?
A: Yes.
B: No. I called his BEHAVIOR crazy.
A: In Japan, it’s the same.


Answers And Explanations
with, because we refer to a situation one is involved with.
② at, because we throw things friendly-like to someone and angrily at someone.
at, to, because we yell at a person.
to, because we say something to a person.


From Twitter:
Student: How do I meditate?
Teacher: Sit and breathe.
S: I keep*having thoughts.
T: Yes.
S: I thought the goal was to achieve a clear mind.
T: Yes.
S: How do I do that?
T: Keep trying.
S: How?
T: Let ideas disappear, like clouds, and breathe.

Keep means:

Answer and Explanation:
The answer is ‘continue’ (in this context).
In other contexts the meaning is to have or own/take for oneself.

Photo: Norbu Gyachung